Thursday 3 February 2011

January Blues

Due to work commitments, I wasn't able to get out and about very much during December. What with the Christmas rush, and wasn't it bloomin' cold!
Anyway Christmas day me and 'the fam' went down to Holkham beach and I took along my SLR. I didn't expect to get anything decent as my hands were almost frozen off!

Just as we were about to leave, I glimpsed this group of people walking with their christmas hats on. Brilliant!

January wasn't very productive picture wise either. So I am going to make myself get out there in February and capture the first glimpses of spring, lord knows we need something other than gloomy weather. So expect to see Daffodils, Lambs, Snowdrops and other spring-like things!

Friday 8 October 2010

Picture Perfect...

Personally, I think this picture could belong on a postcard. Not blowing my own trumpet or anything!
Anyway..I've just returned from holiday in Scotland. Amazing holiday and the perfect opportunity for some amazing photos.
As I'm still learning naturally some of them didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped although I'm getting some practice on Photoshop so you never know they may be resurrected!
I was hoping to see some Golden Eagles and although I say a VERY large bird of prey, I doubt it was an eagle. However I tell myself it was!
It's a bit of an exciting time at the moment, not that anything is actually happening but I have a couple of things in sight which should help me progress. So we'll see :o)

Wednesday 11 August 2010

50 Hand Written Envelopes..

No word of a lie, I sent out 50 letters to different photographers and studios.

I got 4 replies.

Of which I was VERY grateful, I didn't really expect anything. I guess that's the best way to stop you being disappointed!

Anyway, the four replies that I did get contained a lot of information that has already been very helpful.

One letter I received was from a gentleman called Colin De Chair.

He offered me the chance to go to his studio and use his lighting etc to take some 'professional' photos. I was amazed! Who would of thought someone would be so kind, a perfect stranger.

So today I went out there with my model (beautiful little Sis!) and proceeded to act like I was a high end fashion photographer! Ha. "NO darling, turn your head this way"

Colin was able to give me some fantastic advice and I came away with ideas (and a shopping list the size of Britain) and insider information that I would not of learnt on my own.

I learnt that the equipment you have is very important. So new computer it is!

Anyway I'll put up some of the photos I have taken and I hope you like...

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Monday Madness


Monday was total madness on the Photography front.
I was heading out to the Norfolk Broads and I bloomin' forgot my Camera didn't I!
Perfect conditions for some beautiful landscape photography.
Also I'd been working so hard on my portfolio but I still had LOADS to do.
Class was at 7pm as usual and I think I finished it at 6.45pm. Cutting it close I think you'd say.
So its now finished, Class is over portfolio has been handed in.
Slightly worried that I will forget everything now but when you have a love for something and you really enjoy it you work at it, right.

Oh and something amazing happened to me yesterday, I had entered a competition for a free photoshoot and I won! I never win anything!
The shoot is worth £95 and covers the photographers cost etc.
You can take up to 10 people and your family dog, so now all I need to do is borrow someones dog. Anyone?......

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Bonjour! No I'm not french...

This is my blog. Well done for finding it and well done for sticking around to read it.

Basically this blog will follow me and my goal to become a successful photographer.

Interpret that how you will, hopefully it means my own business. However if I can help others become interested in the wonders of photography I will have also succeeded.

About me, well I'm 21 and currently work in a well known department store where I live.
(I will not mentions names in case!)

I have nearly finished a NCFE course in Digital Photography.
I started with a Bridge Camera but now (thanks to my lovely other half) have a Canon 450D SLR.

Throughout the course we have learnt about certain aspects of photography such as shutter speed, aperture and exposure as well as much more.

Now is the hard part, what to do with this qualification.

Which is where this blog comes in.

I hope you enjoy looking at my photos and also reading about my experiences.

So long for now!